
Vitalie Sprinceana

Oberliht. Moldova

A sociologist, blogger, journalist and urban activist based in Chișinău, Moldova, Vitalie Sprinceana is also a co-editor at PLATZFORMA.MD – a web platform for social, economic and political critique. He is interested in and argues for inclusive democratic public spaces, social justice, free knowledge, plurality of worldviews and practices. With the OBERLIHT Young Artists Association, he is working in the Chișinău area, trying to use art as a tool for community change and building communities through artistic expression.

My Sessions

Idea Development Methodology | closing session

Daoiz y Velarde | Cultural Center

Idea Development Methodology | March 2, morning

Daoiz y Velarde | Cultural Center

Idea Makers will work on their ideas, based on the methodology developed by Platoniq. The sessions will be moderated by the Idea Feeders and Facilitators, who will offer feedback on their ideas. Enabling participants to bring their ideas forward with an understanding of where their greatest opportunities and gaps are and expand on how their […]

Idea Development Methodology

Idea Development Methodology | March 2, early afternoon

Daoiz y Velarde | Cultural Center

Idea Makers will work on their ideas, based on the methodology developed by Platoniq. The sessions will be moderated by the Idea Feeders and Facilitators, who will offer feedback on their ideas. Enabling participants to bring their ideas forward with an understanding of where their greatest opportunities and gaps are and expand on how their […]

Idea Development Methodology

Idea Development Methodology | March 2, late afternoon

Daoiz y Velarde | Cultural Center

Idea Development Methodology | Kick off

Daoiz y Velarde | Cultural Center

Idea Makers will work on their ideas, based on the methodology developed by Platoniq. The sessions will be moderated by the Idea Feeders and Facilitators, who will offer feedback on their ideas. Enabling participants to bring their ideas forward with an understanding of where their greatest opportunities and gaps are and expand on how their […]

Idea Development Methodology